Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You are an IRONMAN! And one of you are going to KONA!!!

This weekend, my brother-in-law and father-in-law did an Ironman!  They traveled from Iowa all the way to Louisville, Kentucky to compete and finish!  Jason and I stayed back in Iowa because I had to be around for cheerleading and work.  We were thinking of Dick and Justin the whole time though!  They had a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride, and a 26.2 mile run....whew!  Makes me tired just thinking about it!  We got to see Justin cross the finish line LIVE!  The site that we were tracking them with got hacked by cyberattackers, so we didn't get to see Dick finish.  They did soooo good and we are all so proud of them both!!
Dick and Justin right after Dick crossed the finish line!

Justin running across a bridge...

Dick did it!! Yay!!  Finished in 16 hours and 24 minutes!

Here is a great picture of Kathy, Dick, and Justin!
Justin completed the entire Ironman in 10 hours and 8 minutes!  He got second place in his age group and qualified for KONA!  Ironman Kona, Hawaii is considered a very honored and prestigious event that few will ever experience!  Way to go Justin!

Danna, thank you for taking these pictures!  You captured some great memories :)
Way to go Justin and Dick!!

One year of absolute bliss...Life is GREAT!

A year ago from this past Sunday I married the man of my dreams.  He is everything to me...I can't imagine life without him.  I am so blessed to have met and married such a wonderful person.  Words cannot explain how much he means to me.  I love you Jason!  Happy Anniversary!

Here's a sneak peek at some of our wedding photos...didn't have the blog up and running back then :)

Here is us a year later...loving life!  For our anniversary, Jason suprised me by making reservations to the place where he asked me to marry him!  He's very sneaky!  We were engaged at a restaurant in downtown Waterloo, Ia at Galleria de Paco...it has the Sistine chapel recreated on the ceilings and walls...all done in spraypaint!  It's an amazing place!  And the food is to DIE for!!

So we got home around 9:30pm from Paco, to find our house had been toilet papered!  Hahahah!! I thought it was hilarious!! 

They even made a sign!!  Thanks to who did it!  I know who you are and so do you :)

It just cracks me up!!

We also pulled out our year old wedding cake to sample...it still was quite tasty!  Still really moist and everything!  I started eating some and Jason waited for about 10 minutes before he ate some...he told me he was waiting for me to get sick, then he would know if it was safe!  Haha!! Thanks honey!  Appreciate it!  I didn't get sick by the way :P 

Life is good right now...God has blessed us immensely.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Camping trip 2010...Herrick style :P

We were on a great weekend camping trip with the Herrick family this past weekend!  Check out the pics!
Little Cici swinging!  We stayed in Clear Lake at the State Park, and they had a great area for the kids to play on.

Titus is getting sooo big!  He loved playing on the equipment!

After playing, Jason and I took the kids down to the lake to put their feet in...

It was warm out so putting our feet in the water felt great!  Titus kicked and splashed on shore...

Cici wasn't sure of the water, but when she saw her brother kicking, she joined right in!

This is just normal Herrick happenings, crazy faces and gun shows :)

Hello husband!!

Danna poking fun at a tired Justin...hehehe... Check out Dick and Kathy's tent in the background...it's nickname at the Herrick house...OLD BLUE :)

Walking down to take a dip in the lake!

Dick and Kathy enjoying the views...

Jason and Cici floating/swimming :)

Chilling aroud the fire...

Heres a turtle the Holly picked up on our way to Macintosh State Park near Ventura!  He was in the middle of the road, so she hopped out and grabbed him! 

It was a gorgeous painted turtle...

Headed for water...

BOAT RIDES!! Titus is driving!  Hop on up!!

And they're off!

We got Andy out on our new tube...the lake was pretty choppy, but we had a good time!

Dick driving the old Catalina!

Finished off with little more playtime on some equipment...

Love Titus's "to cool for school" stance here!  Ha! 
We had a great time with family, fun, and water...a camping trip to remember :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Boating makes the world a better place!

Sun, Family, Fun....and Boating!  What a great way to spend a summer day in Iowa!?
Bridget and Adam went tubing with us...safe to say they had a pretty great time!

Bridget and I...I think Adam was driving during this picture, he was whipping us all over the river!

Jason and I on the tube!!

Adam driving the boat...scary thought... Just Kidding!  Ha!

What a great day we had!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our boring lives :)

Well...Jason and I have not been up to too much lately, other than working and such.  I started my new job, and I am really liking leaning the ins and outs of selling monuments.  It's challenging, so I am always learning something new!  Jason has been working 4 days a week and has Fridays off, so he gets to have a man day, at least that's what he calls it!  I have been busy with coaching the cheerleaders, their first scrimmage is tommorow, so this will be the first time they will be performing in front of an audience this season!  It's weird to be on the other side of the spectrum and understanding all of the things that go into being a coach, but I am getting used to it!  I have also been taking a class in New Hampton on Thursday nights called Zumba!  It is an exercise class that incorporates dance moves and salsa moves.  It's super fun and makes exercise seem easy! 

This weekend we have a wedding to attend on Saturday for a friend of mine that I went to Upper Iowa with.  Hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bikes and crazy cats!

Jason and I have recently started biking through Nashua every night...here are our two new bikes!  They fit us perfectly!
Jason got a Trek from Scheel's Sports.  He got a really good deal on it too!  And he finally has a bike that fits him!
And here is mine!  I have a really cool Huffy Beach Cruiser :)  I didn't grow up using hand brakes, or different gears, so I opted out of all that crazy stuff.  I like to keep it simple, just pedal backwards if you want to stop right?  I love it!
This is something our cat, Talouse, likes to do to get our attention...leap from the table to the top of the refridgerator!  He is a crazy kitten :-)

What a cutie!  Ha!