--I must have slept with my neck in a crazy position last night, because I can only turn my head to the right without pain. Tylenol hasn't even touched it....dang!
--I got my hair cut and colored this week. It was scary, but I am quite satisfied with the outcome. It's auburn...aka reddish brown.
--Isn't it sad that 28 degrees feels like Spring to us after all the bitter cold we have endured this winter??
--Today, while running on the treadmill, I decided to quick hop off and put on my sweatpants because my shorts were falling off me. I let the treadmill go, put them on, went to jump back on...here's where it get's good...totally ALMOST biffed it. Dumb me forgot I didn't shut the thing off... You know when you see the people on Funniest Home Videos who totally all out get thrown off the thing...I kind of got bucked off and regained my balance. Didn't make it any better though that the weight room was FULL with high schoolers
--Oranges are really good.
--I am an aunt....again! Holly had her baby...it was a girl! Winny Mae 7lb 13 oz....she's gorgeous.
--The Devil Wears Prada has to be one of my most favorite movies...
Here are some things I found that I like and thought I would share with you...
These little nest rings you can find here are soooo cute!
I LOVE finding things like the sign below...
This website is really cool...here is the link. I love finding new recipes and trying them out!
That's all I have for you! Enjoy your weekend!