Friday, June 18, 2010

Bamboo home and Nashua City Wide Garage Sales!

So...I had an excellenet idea to use my giant vase that I bought yesterday!  I made it a home for my leftover bamboo from the wedding!  And it worked out great!

I had them in a tupperware container for a while, but now they look great! 

Hopefully my cats don't think it's catnip!  They destroyed our last ones!

Nashua City Wide Garage Sales!

In other mom and sister Greta came to Nashua this morning and we hit up the garage sales!  It took me a little while to find stuff, but here is what I came home with!  Above are three VHS tapes...What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Forrest Gump, and The Wizard of Oz.   I have always been kinda freaked out by the Wizard of Oz...the flying monkeys just scare the daylights out of me!  Ha!

Here is a Lucky Brand sweatshirt that I thought was cute....

Here is a neat picture frame I found for $1!! What a deal! 

And this is all of Jason's stuff...he graduated from Charles City High School so he doesn't have any Nashua-Plainfield shirts, so I stocked up when I saw these were for a quarter! 

All in all it was a good day for bargins!

1 comment:

  1. excellent finds, molly! i love "what's eating gilbert grape." also, brilliant idea to put your bamboo in that vase -- it looks so nice!


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