This weekend I had the whole weekend off, and Jason was out of town at a music festival in Manchester,'s called Bonnaroo...this is his third time going to it. Jason LOVES music and couldn't resist seeing the Dave Matthews Band, Jay-Z, Steve Martin, Conan O'Brien, The Zac Brown Band, and Stevie Wonder...LIVE! I must say I was a little jealous he was going, but as you will see below, I spent my weekend with can't get better than that :)
The weekend started out with me driving to down to Ames to hang out with my brother-in-law, Adam's, girlfriend, Bridget! We went to Goodwill, Wheatsfield, and hit up some shops on main street. We had a little bowl of gelato in Stam's on main which was excellent! We both had the Tiramisu and loved it! Adam had to work in the morning, but he met us there and we headed back to Bridget's apartment. Bridget and I made a quick pit stop at Wal-Mart and got a very special phone call! Turns out she had put her name in a drawing at the Fareway near her apt to win a bike...and she WON! She had been thinking of buying one for a long time and this was a wonderful suprise for her! It is also pretty awesome because it is a Michelob Ultra bike!! Yep! That's right! It is pretty cool! Congrats Bridget!!

Here are a few pics I snapped while at her apartment...the one on the left is her garden! Isn't it just darling? I think so :) She had to put a fence around it because they have a large rabbit population that likes to snack on her basil...Adam said he would take care of the rabbits with a sling shot next time! Now Adam!? Ha! Bridget found the potted hanging plant on the right by the dumpster and found out the owner didn't want it anymore, so she got it and I must say it is thriving! The bottom left is Adam and Bridget...they are just SO DARN CUTE! On the bottom right are some flowers she planted, and the yellow blossoms were so pretty!

For supper we had turkey burgers, and Bridget had a veggie burger...if you haven't tried these go out and buy some NOW! They are great! Our chef, Adam, also whipped up a quick stir fry of onions, one hot pepper, green beans, and sesame was a spicy dish! My eyes watered the whole time these were cooking and I wasn't even near them! Does this happen to you or am I just weird?
We had a small issue with some RELISH....Adam thought it needed to be shook up, and the cap happened to just slip off...relish was EVERYWHERE! Ha! It was quite entertaining actually and ended up on all four walls, and Bridget also took a hit! Haha! We cleaned it up and got to chowing down!
Here is a great picture of the swimming area of the HyVee Triathalon that my father-in-law participated in. He swam 1/4 mile, hopped on his bike for 13.1 miles, and then ran a 5K(3.1 something miles:) This was supposed to be a full tri, but with the weather, they changed it to a sprint tri. Dick did a great job!! It started to pour down right when he started running...were talking thunder and lightning!
Here is is taking his bike in to the transition area, and below is him starting to run...he is the one on the right! Go Dick!!

During the pouring down rain, we chose to take cover under a tent...from left...Cici, Andy, Me, Holly, Bridget, Kathy, and Titus...we got lots and lots of samples of delicious food, and other various samples from the vendors in the expo!
Here is Bridget and I with our samples...the vendors were literally throwing stuff at us towards the end because then they didn't have to lug it was AWESOME!!
Here is a great pic on my mother and father in law! Congrats on the finish, Dick!
We left and headed back to Bridget's apt to dry off and get warm. Titus and Cici had fun running around in her apt! The picture on the right is of a bird statue that Bridget found on one of her Goodwill trips...we started calling her car the birdmobile! What a wonderful weekend to have, minus the rain, with family! Thanks for the fun guys!
Molly, I had such a blast with you this weekend!! Enjoy having Jason back! Love you!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, I had a blast as well! I am loving having Jason back! Miss you already! Love you:)
ReplyDeletethis entire post shows that... herricks rule!!
ReplyDelete(that includes you, too, bridget! - congrats on the bike, and your garden & flowers look lovely!)
awww, i miss all of you guys!!!