If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
--I don't know on this one. I really like my job, so I think I would maybe go part time? I would actually let my husband quit his job first. He works hard and does a good job even if he doesn't love what he is doing.
To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
--Well, I have always been a leader of some sort. If I was passionate about something, the sky was the limit. I worked hard in school. Not because I had to, but because I wanted to. I wasn't a traditional "college student." I worked almost 40 hours a week between two jobs when I went to NIACC, and then 44 hours full time when I went to Upper Iowa. Not sure on this time in my life if I was more concerned about money or school. I wish I would have lived in a dorm. I have wondered what that would have been like. But who knows if I would have been lazy and not done my homework. When I worked for Sherwin-Williams I was somewhat miserable. I wasn't doing what I really truly wanted to do yet. And now, I am satisfied at this job, but still curious as to what is out there. I am glad I made the move though.
I think I have totally controlled my course of life. I chose this path, and I excelled to the best of my ability.
If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don't like, and like so many things we don't do?
--Things I don't like: washing dishes, paying bills, lots of other random things.
--Things I like: traveling, spending time with family, shopping, relaxing.
I think you choose what you want to do and how/when you want to do it when it comes to this question. I hate washing the dishes. So we bought a new faucet that has a button on it to make it spray instead of just pour out...this is small, but I liked it so now I am semi okay with doing dishes. Yes, I know it seems stupid, but it really did make it better for me! Paying bills is a given...sure no one wants to fork over their hard earned cash for heat and water instead of a new pair of shoes, but that's life! Deal! I looooove seeing new places. Traveling is huge for me. Jason and I want to see things. We have already been to Mexico, New York City, and Texas together. We have dreams of seeing Oregon, NYC again, and maybe another tropical place? I spend time with family whenever I can...those are moments you can't get back, and if I have to rearrange my schedule to do it...so be it!
If you want something bad enough, and have the drive to get it, you can do it. It takes time, but anything is possible!!
I like these...they made me think a little bit : )
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