Friday, March 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge...Day 22.

Day 22-what is a phobia you have.

Most recently, within the last year, I have become more aware of germs.  Where they are, what they are doing, what nasty virus is lingering on the next surface I have to utilize....the list goes on and on! 

I credit my part of my phobia to my brother-in-law Adam.  Adam is stundying Pre-Med at Waldorf college and routinely tells us of some of the test he does on surfaces in some of his classes.  If I remember correctly, he tested the top of a hand sanitizer pump....and it was home to an outrageously large amount of germs. 


I also credit a very vicious cold I came down with after getting back from New York City.  Now don't get me wrong, I LOVED NYC, but I am really blaming the subway system (the bars, handles, and handrails) for my disturbingly awful cold that has seriously made me compare all other colds since then to it. 
It. Was. Awful.  

So, what do I do to protect myself from those nasty little germs that can reak havoc on someones body?  Wash my hands a lot.
Avoid directly touching handles, doors, and faucets. 
Use some hand sanitizer, not a crap ton.
And that's about it...

Don't worry, I'm not someone that is absolutely obsessed with cleaning and sanitizing stuff...just more aware as I like to say. 

Day 22-a quote that reminds you of someone.

Why worry when you can pray?
My mother has this quote in her kitchen...I think of it often when my mind won't stop turning and I need some guidance.  It has helped me in more ways than I can name. 

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