Tuesday, March 29, 2011

30 Day Challenge....Day 27.

Day 27-Talk about three things you want to give up.

1.  I want to give up trying not to make mistakes.  This is something I stuggle with.  It is always in the back of my mind and I am constantly rethinking my thoughts, steps, actions over and over.  I just don't ever want to upset or dissapoint.  I over-analayze everything I say, or am thinking about saying.  It gets me nowhere..so I'm going to work on stopping this habit.

2.  Give up doing the same thing over and over again.  I have found that if you don't mix things up in your life, you will be unsatisfied.  Jason and I are crazy busy.  To make you understand this better.  This week we will see each other on Friday night...and many weeks are like this.  This past weekend we booked a hotel in Minneapolis and went to Ikea, the Mall of America, and ate at some restaurants we had heard about but never been too.  It was refreshing, and needed.  Sometimes just a little getaway is all you need to break up the schedule. 

3.  Give up dwelling about the past and worrying about the future.  I don't dwell on the past nearly as much as I used to, but I think about the future a lot.  And sure it's good things that I am thinking about, but I have to remind myself that today is the only day that you are guaranteed.  Tomorrow...who knows?  I believe I have gotten better with living in the moment, but I know I can do more to make this more apparent in my life. 

Day 27 quote-a quote that describes you.
I take care of my flowers and my cats.  And I enjoy food. And that's living.
-Ursula Andress

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