Friday, May 6, 2011

An assortment of thoughts:

Lately, I have been finding myself having a lot more time on my hands.  It's been nice, really nice.  The laundry doesn't pile up, the dishes don't pile up...near as much, and I have more time to clean/organize/relax. 

I have been cutting my spring flowers that are blooming in the backyard.  They really brighten up my desk at work...doesn't flowers in a Mason jar just scream country living...I love it.  :)

For Mother's Day, I got my mom a canvas that has the picture of our entire family they used for their Chritmas cards.  I found a coupon code online for a FREE one!  All I had to pay was shipping and it was like $15 for that of course, but originally without the coupon code, it would have been nearly $40! 

I have been going for walks lately after work, since I have time, at the park here in Nashua.  It is so nice to just get out and walk by the lake.  I really enjoy it after being inside all day!  Also, for you Nashua locals, one loop all the way around the park, as in down and around the volleyball nets, and through the camping area, and back to the entrance to the park by the beach is very close to a mile for each loop.  I have been walking 3 loops a night.  My shins hurt a bit.  :)

I have a new blog that I really enjoy following...thought I would share it with you.  The blogger's name is Ree and she makes all kinds of yummy food!  Her photos are amazing.  Here is the link-  I am making a recipe from her blog called Pig Cake for Mother's Day.  It has fruit in it so it must be somewhat healthy right?? ;)

I have several friends/family that work out of town and I can't imagine how much they will be paying for gas this summer!!  It was nearly $4 a gallon last time I looked this week.  Jason and I both work in town and I am so thankful for that!  I can't imagine commuting to work EVERYDAY and paying that much to fill up your car.  Jason is thinking about taking an online summer class instead of commuting to Mason City twice a week for a class he had been looking into...makes sense to me!

I have been just ITCHING to get out to a greenhouse and get our garden in!  We have a few peas and other veggies that I may put in tonight, but I really want to get some tomato plants and flowers! :D

I just have to share this with little sister, Greta...can send a picture message.  No she doesn't have a cell phone, but she sure knows how to use my mom's!!  Seriously, I was blown away when I found out it was her sending them!  I figured Jacob had gotten ahold of her phone and was just messing around...but was Greta! She is so young...yet so smart at the same time!  I can't imagine what she will be like when she is a teenager!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!  I have two graduation parties to attend!  Jason is cake!! :)

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