Thursday, August 4, 2011

Back in the olden' days...

Some random things that made me think about my yesteryears...

I remember when I was young...say 7ish and my parents had a phone hooked up outside, right outside our house because they were so often outside that they would miss important phone calls, such as a customer needing my dad to bale for him.  It had a cord on it and of those old time ones.  ha!  A particular moment that stands out to me is when the phone was ringing and ringing, and it was usually my job to answer it but I couldn't because the geese, that would chase me, had decided to chill next to the phone for the day.  They would stick out their beaks and jab them at me and hiss and honk.  I am seriously scarred for life from those geese....they used to get me!

I remember going to my very first movie in a movie theater...All Dogs go to Heaven.  It was when they used to have a free movie at the Charles Theater in Charles City over the 4th of July.  It was a moment that I still remember very fondly.  I couldn't wait to see my next movie!

This last one is a good one!

I had band camp and it was my Sophomore year and I had just got my school permit.  So I was feeling pretty inviceable.  Anyway-from where my parents live to Nashua it is about 6 miles and has 4 very sharp curves...all gravel.  I loved my sweet Buick that I drove, and I liked to test the limits too.  I was coming home after band camp and jamming out to the radio...on the second to last curve I started fishtailing and pretty much freaked out!  Luckily, I just went over the ditch and into a field, ironically owned by my dad!  The ditch was more of a hill I would say.  After a bit of screaming and realizing I was ok, I had to assess the damage-just a bit of dirt and grass stuck up under the bottom of the car...not much.  So I drove home, out of the field driveway and was PRAYING my parents weren't home.  And God answered that one!  I quickly got to work pulling all the grass and dirt out of the bumper and underneath the car.  I NEVER told my parents what happenend...until 2 months ago!  They weren't really suprised...see I also have a problem with flying through the T intersection that is just off our corner when it was icy out...Dad pulled me out 3 times once in a two week span!  I don't drive like that anymore...hah!
I often catch myself thinking how different life will be for my little sister, Greta.  She has always known what a cell phone is and can run it better than my mom and dad.  She grew up with the internet, and knows how to run the TV remote better than most adults.  It's amazing how things have changed and how much more they will...this little saying I found on Facebook sums up what my thoughts were today...

If you were raised on bologna, and hot dogs, played in the dirt, got your butt busted, had 3 TV channels & it quit at midnight. School started with "The Pledge,", had a bedtime, rode in back of pickup trucks, recorded the top 40 from the radio on cassette tapes, drank from a hose, played in the creek, rode your bike all day without a helmet & you still turned out OK...back in the olden days....

Enjoy your THURSDAY! :)

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