Acknowledge the lesson, smile, and try again.
Being a mild perfectionist, I have always been someone who tries VERY hard to please everyone.
It's just the way I am; I can't stand to let someone down, my boss, my parents, my husband, my cheerleaders.
But, in all reality, something, sometime, somewhere, will happen that will cause me to rethink everything I have done and look back to see what I could have changed, tried differently, or not done at all that would have been a better outcome.
I struggle to let go of things. I hang on to comments made by others that make me feel small or worthless. My skin is thin. My mind dwells on and almost obsesses on what I need to do to make myself better.
The quote above is something that I need to work towards.
Not everything will work out as it seems in my head, not everyone will be happy with the decision that has been made, but that is ok.
Acknowledge the lesson is the absolute hardest for me. Smiling...well that is easy! :-) Trying again will be a challenge, but one that I am willing to accept and work on.