Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The jitters...


I usually don't drink to much coffee unless I absolutely have to have a cup to stay awake.

I had 6 cups today.

I feel weird.

I started an exercise class with a friend of mine on Monday that will run 3 days a week from 5:15am-6:05am for 4 months.

I have woken up at 7am for the past year.  Can you imagine what I am feeling right now?

It's not hard for me to get up early-it's the late afternoon when my tiredness hits me like a brick wall.

I actually really like the class alot-just need to get used to this new schedule.

And coffee was my antidote.

For the record-it just makes you feel weird...I'm still tired!

Won't be drinking this much EVER again-geesh!

*Yawn*---off to cheerleading practice!

Have a good (rainy) day!

Monday, August 29, 2011

2 years ago today...

I was getting my hair done....all curled up!

I was thinking of how happy I was...

I don't think I ever stopped smiling.. :-)

I cried...so many tears of happiness.  So many!

I ate the most delicious chocolate cake ever!

I danced and partied!

I thanked God for such a wonderful day...

I watched my friends and family celebrate and show their support...

I kissed..

I hugged...

I loved.

I married my friend, my love, my Jason. 

He has a heart of GOLD and never ceases to amaze me.

He is my absolute everything...life is good with him by my side. 

I couldn't ask for anything more. 

I love you Jason Richard Herrick!

Happy anniversary!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Swim, Bike, Run-Pigman Triathlon-Palo, IA

Jason completed a goal he had set back in the very beginning of the year-to finish a Half-Ironman.  Mission Complete!  Justin and Dick also completed the Half Ironman last weekend with Jason!  Be prepared for LOTS of spandex in these next pictures!

Justin swimming in...

Dick coming into the shore...

Jason coming in from the swim. 
They swam a total of 1.2 miles!

Justin getting off the bike and heading into transition.  Look at his sweet helmet! ;)

Justin headed out to the run!

Dick biking in to the transition area...

Look at that SMILE! :-)  Jason heading into transition...
Total time on the bike was 56 miles!!

See in a few hours Dick!

Jason getting water while heading out to the run...
Total run time was 13.1 miles!!

Justin-finishing hard and finishing FIRST in his age group!

Way to go! 
Here comes Jason! :-)  He finished the entire Tri in 6 hours! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

State Fair 2011

We headed off to the Iowa State Fair this past weekend-and on our way we passed a house!

For the record-it is nerve wracking passing a house!! ahah!!

After staying the night with Bridget and Adam, Bridget, I, Jason, Kathy and Dick headed off for the Fair.

We did the park and ride from the State Capitol-smartest decision ever!

Cake in one of the buildings with all the things the fair is about!

It.Was.PACKED!  Lots of people!!

A little Fried Ice Cream never hurt anyone!!

Oh yea!

We met up with my cousin, Sabrina, who was also at the fair that day.  And I just got a text literally 2 minutes ago saying she was at the hospital-meaning-THE BABY IS COMING!!  I'm SOOOOO excited for her and Travis!!!

Jason and I both had a corn dog!

Then we got a free hard boiled egg on a stick!

Butter Cow-celebrating 100 years!

The sand sculpture-one of my favorite things to see at the fair.

This is for you Bridget......  a duck. BAHAHAHHAAHH!


Jacob's dresser-he got a red ribbon! 

So long to you fair!  It was a great trip!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Husky Scrimmage-2011

Last night was the 2011 Husky Scrimmage-here are some shots of the event...
Andy is number 54-two of my other brothers, Kevin and Scott, were both lineman their senior years and were both number 54-it is a tradition for the Glaser boys to have this number! :)

Jacob got to carry the ball a lot last night!  He is number 24!

2011 Varstiy in RED, and JV in GRAY!

Abby's Toe touch basket!

Natalie's pike basket!




Friday, August 12, 2011

It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!

This is going to be a GREAT weekend! :-)

Tonight, is the N-P Football Scrimmage and the cheerleaders will be cheering for the first time this season!  I am excited to watch them and take lots of pictures.

Tomorrow, Jason and I will head down to see Bridget and Adam in Ames! 

Sunday-3 words-IOWA STATE FAIR!!!!!!!

The Iowa State Fair is known quite well for it's food!  Bridget and I have been discussing what we want to try while down there...the first thing we talked about was the lemonade-fresh shaken lemonade!!  It sounds just as good as it tastes!!

We also talked about foods that come on a stick! 
Here is the list of all the foods on a stick at the fair this year!!

  1. Fried Butter on-a-stick
  2. Peanut Butter & Jelly on-a-stick
  3. Chocolate Covered Fried Ice Cream on-a-stick
  4. Cheesecake on-a-stick
  5. Fair Square
  6. Chocolate-covered tiramisu on-a-stick
  7. Turtle mousse bar on-a-stick
  8. Twinkie log on-a-stick (frozen Twinkie dipped in white chocolate and rolled in cashews)
  9. Octodog (hotdog in the shape of an octopus)
  10. Chocolate-dipped cake on-a-stick
  11. Chicken club on-a-stick
  12. Buffalo chicken on-a-stick
  13. Chocolate-covered peanut butter round on-a-stick
  14. Chocolate-covered key lime round on-a-stick
  15. Carmellows on-a-stick
  16. Pretzel rods dipped in caramel or chocolate
  17. Pickle on-a-stick
  18. Pork chop on-a-stick
  19. Corn dog
  20. Cheese on-a-stick
  21. Cajun chicken on-a-stick
  22. Sesame chicken on-a-stick
  23. Carmel apple
  24. German sausage on-a-stick
  25. Teriyaki beef on-a-stick
  26. Corn on the cob on-a-stick
  27. Cotton candy
  28. Veggie dog on-a-stick
  29. Turkey drumstick
  30. Nutty bar
  31. Fried pickle on-a-stick
  32. Hot bologna on-a-stick
  33. Shrimp on-a-stick
  34. Chicken on-a-stick
  35. Monkey Tails (chocolate covered banana on-a-stick)
  36. Taffy on-a-stick
  37. Honey on-a-stick
  38. Ice cream Wonder Bar
  39. Deep fried Snickers bar on-a-stick
  40. Deep fried Milky Way bar on-a-stick
  41. Deep fried Twinkie on-a-stick
  42. Lamb on-a-stick
  43. Meatballs on-a-stick
  44. Deep fried hoho on-a-stick
  45. Fudge Puppy (waffle drenched in chocolate syrup and topped with whipped cream)
  46. Chili Dog on-a-stick
  47. Funtastick Pork on-a-stick
  48. Dutch letters on-a-stick
  49. Turkey tenders on-a-stick
  50. Deep fried hot dog on-a-stick
  51. Chocolate covered cheesecake on-a-stick
  52. Potato Lollipop (4 thick slices of russet potato deep fried and on-a-stick with dipping sauces)
  53. Pineapple on-a-stick (Fresh pineapple dipped in funnel cake batter and deep fried)
  54. Chicken lips on-a-stick (breaded chicken breast smothered with hot sauce, served with blue cheese dressing).
  55. Cornbrat on-a-stick (bratwurst dipped in corndog batter)
  56. Chocolate covered Ice cream cookie sandwich on-a-stick
  57. Rock candy on-a-stick
  58. Salad on-a-stick
  59. Hard-boiled egg on-a-stick
As disgusted as I am with the thought of deep fat fried butter-part of me thinks that it would interesting...at least to try one bite?  Call me crazy!!

I DO plan on having something from the fair on a stick...but what shall it be....Chocolate Covered Fried Ice Cream on-a-stick........Deep fried Snickers bar on-a-stick...........Dutch letters on-a-stick??? 

Stay tuned after this weekend for pictures!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What a gorgeous day!

What a beautiful day it was!
I hope you got to spend some time enjoying it!

Monday, August 8, 2011

A corny story...

My parents grow sweetcorn for their family and friends...and I am lucky enough to be in that group!

YES! :)

So-this summer we got some corn from them...

Now-I remember eating corn on the cob all the time in the summer!  I do NOT remember however how long you had to cook it.

Jason and I husked our first batch of corn from my mom and I threw it in a pot full of water and turned to knob up up up! 

The corn came to a boil-and I just let it boil..........and boil............and boil.

I probably let it go for a good 15 minutes.

So here I am thinking-yes, another tasty meal made for my sweet husband-my work here is done.

Not so fast...

Jason took a few bites and said....what is wrong with this corn? 

I said What? Nothing!?  It's sweetcorn!!

He said It is so mushy-and it's not really sweet at all-is this field corn???

NO it's not field corn.  Humpf.....and I stomped off to clean my plate.  I thought the corn was....ok.

Well-a week after this I am at my Mom and Dad's house and we are having corn on the cob for supper.  I bit into a piece and was amazed!

I said to my mom-How did you make this taste so good? 

My mom looked at me weird and said...I boiled it.

After a short conversation on how long she boiled it-I realized that boiling corn for 15 minutes will remove most of the "good tasting stuff" out of it.  Pretty much we had just eaten starch...no sweet!

My mom and dad got a good laugh out of it, and my brother have teased me all week about my crappy corn!

SO-tonight I redeemed myself...I followed my moms directions and just brought the water to a boil and then turned it off....

Jason took a bite-and said.........THIS IS THE BEST CORN EVER!

Just what I wanted to hear! :)

A lesson for all my blog reading, corn on the cob eating friends-boil your corn quick.  It's not pasta! ;)

Greta turns 10 & four wheeling!

This picture sums up my husband and his love for ATVs....its quite intense! 

Scott popping a wheelie!  Notice we are ALL wearing helmets-safety first!

I think Andy looks like a little kid in this picture the way he is smiling!

Watch out!

Show off! ;)

Getting mud whipped at me as I try to get a cool shot!

Dad's beans-they are up to the boys' chests-can you even see Greta??

Happy birthday little girl-you were a total suprise, and continue to amaze me with how smart you are.  I am so blessed to have a little sister.  I love you!

Happy wishes are sure to come-shes 10! :)