Monday, August 8, 2011

A corny story...

My parents grow sweetcorn for their family and friends...and I am lucky enough to be in that group!

YES! :)

So-this summer we got some corn from them...

Now-I remember eating corn on the cob all the time in the summer!  I do NOT remember however how long you had to cook it.

Jason and I husked our first batch of corn from my mom and I threw it in a pot full of water and turned to knob up up up! 

The corn came to a boil-and I just let it boil..........and boil............and boil.

I probably let it go for a good 15 minutes.

So here I am thinking-yes, another tasty meal made for my sweet husband-my work here is done.

Not so fast...

Jason took a few bites and said....what is wrong with this corn? 

I said What? Nothing!?  It's sweetcorn!!

He said It is so mushy-and it's not really sweet at all-is this field corn???

NO it's not field corn.  Humpf.....and I stomped off to clean my plate.  I thought the corn was....ok.

Well-a week after this I am at my Mom and Dad's house and we are having corn on the cob for supper.  I bit into a piece and was amazed!

I said to my mom-How did you make this taste so good? 

My mom looked at me weird and said...I boiled it.

After a short conversation on how long she boiled it-I realized that boiling corn for 15 minutes will remove most of the "good tasting stuff" out of it.  Pretty much we had just eaten sweet!

My mom and dad got a good laugh out of it, and my brother have teased me all week about my crappy corn!

SO-tonight I redeemed myself...I followed my moms directions and just brought the water to a boil and then turned it off....

Jason took a bite-and said.........THIS IS THE BEST CORN EVER!

Just what I wanted to hear! :)

A lesson for all my blog reading, corn on the cob eating friends-boil your corn quick.  It's not pasta! ;)

1 comment:

  1. How do you do with popcorn? Jk atleast you tried.



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