Friday, November 5, 2010

N-P 2010 Competition Cheerleading

Do you ever this meant to be? 

I do.
A lot.

When I was asked to apply for the assistant cheerleading coaching position at the high school I graduated from this summer, I was nervous.  Would the girls like me?  Would I be a good coach?  How can I juggle a full-time job and cheer practice?  Is this right? 

All of these questions were running through my head...I was really nervous.  And normally I don't get nervous...I was the girl who could do a speech in front of a ton of people and not have my heart flutter at all, but now my heart was fluttering and the season hadn't even begun! 

During this time I was also beginning to decide on switching jobs.  Sherwin-Williams was making us work Sundays now and that just was NOT cool with me.  So, I left my job, and took on a new one along with being a cheer coach. 

This was the B.E.S.T. decision I have made in a looooonnnggg time.  It was totally a "meant to be" moment.  I'm so glad I went for it.

Words can't explain how much I LOVE coaching this group of girls.  They are kind, considerate, hardworking, and determined.  I am amazed by their perseverance and strength.  I have had the privilege to work with them since June on their State Routine.  We have had our good days and bad, but all in all it was a wonderful season.  Memories were made, and tears were shed, laughs were had, and I am so proud to be a cheer coach for Nashua-Plainfield High School.  They perform at State tomorrow and for 5 seniors, this is it.  2 minutes and 30 seconds is what they have to show the judges what they have accomplished this season.  I hope that you will think of them on Saturday at 1:00pm while they take the mat. 

Here are some photos I have been giving the girls the past two weeks.  The memories we have made are captured in these pictures.


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