Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cleaning out the camera.

I come home everyday to this little guy...and all he wants to do is go outside. 

Flowers from my lovely husband for Valentine's Day this year!

Trixie stalking birds in the neighbors yard.  She caught one once.  Poor thing never had a chance.

Cici loves to swing!

Titus is such a big boy! 

A few things to watch...

This first video is from my soon-to-be sister in law, Bridget!  It is so cute and so so funny...take a look!

This next one is from my mother-in-law, Kathy.  She is the director for TLC (The Learning Center) in Charles City.  They are having a capital campaign to raise $200,000 for their center...check it out!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge...Day 30!!

Day 30-What is something that will make you smile right now?

The SUN!

Not having to do ANYTHING tonight!

Being organized...I's a little weird!

Nice people!

My bike and nice weather to ride it in!

Anything that is positive!

seriously this list could go on and on and on....

I am also smiling because I am now finished with my 30 DAY CHALLENGE! 

Whew...ok, back to the boring old blog posts...let's hope you all keep reading!!

Day 30 quote-a quote about accmplishment

Everybody starts at the top, and then has the problem of staying there. Lasting accomplishment, however, is still achieved through a long, slow climb and self-discipline.

-Helen Hayes

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

30 Day Challenge...Day 29.

Day 29-Talk about something that you have been thinking of doing recently.

Until recently, as in last year, I had not really dyed my hair....ever.  And so after a few highlights, some lowlights, and then one whole dye session that has my hair a nice warm aurburn tone, I am up for more change. 

I want to start off by going back to my natural color of dark brown.  Wait it gets better, don't stop reading yet!  After it is all brown, I want to dye streaks of teal, not to dark, not to light in the top half closer to my forehead.  I saw a girl who had her hair done this way and it was CUTE!  I was instantly thinking of what my mother would say, what my customers at my office would think, and of course what my lovely husband would think.  Hmmmm....who knows!

What do I think?  I think it is sooo cute...and maybe for the hell of it I will try it, the worst that could happen is that I hate it and dye it all back to brown which would be just fine too....thanks for continuing to read this if you made it this I am just rambling...trying to come up with something witty...all I got is that some people may say I am becoming a Smurf...ha!

Maybe someday?  This picture doesn't even do that girl I saw justice...her hair was seriously cute! probably won't happen, but a girl can dream!? 

Jason and I are also thinking about putting in a fence around our backyard.  It is a goal of ours to get this done this spring or summer!   This one will for sure happen! :)

Day 29 quote-a quote from someone famous.

30 Day Challenge...Day 28.

Day 28-If you could live one day of your life over again...what day would that be?

I would LOVE to relive the day of my wedding.  It went by faster than I had ever imagined.  People had told me not to blink or I would miss it...and they were right!  Jason agrees with me on this one too!  We both said that we wanted to redo it so we could have that much fun again. 

Day 28 quote-a quote about your mood today.

“Happiness consists not in having much, but in being content with little.”

-Marguerite Gardiner

30 Day Challenge....Day 27.

Day 27-Talk about three things you want to give up.

1.  I want to give up trying not to make mistakes.  This is something I stuggle with.  It is always in the back of my mind and I am constantly rethinking my thoughts, steps, actions over and over.  I just don't ever want to upset or dissapoint.  I over-analayze everything I say, or am thinking about saying.  It gets me I'm going to work on stopping this habit.

2.  Give up doing the same thing over and over again.  I have found that if you don't mix things up in your life, you will be unsatisfied.  Jason and I are crazy busy.  To make you understand this better.  This week we will see each other on Friday night...and many weeks are like this.  This past weekend we booked a hotel in Minneapolis and went to Ikea, the Mall of America, and ate at some restaurants we had heard about but never been too.  It was refreshing, and needed.  Sometimes just a little getaway is all you need to break up the schedule. 

3.  Give up dwelling about the past and worrying about the future.  I don't dwell on the past nearly as much as I used to, but I think about the future a lot.  And sure it's good things that I am thinking about, but I have to remind myself that today is the only day that you are guaranteed.  Tomorrow...who knows?  I believe I have gotten better with living in the moment, but I know I can do more to make this more apparent in my life. 

Day 27 quote-a quote that describes you.
I take care of my flowers and my cats.  And I enjoy food. And that's living.
-Ursula Andress

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

30 Day Challenge...Day 26.

I'm back!  Whoa..this has been a crazy week and so was last week! I have been non-stop, or so it seems...

Today is a special day, as it is Jason, my husband's 29th birthday!  Happy birthday Jason! :-)

Day 26-A picture of you when you were young.

Day 26 quote-A quote that makes you think.

I saw this quote as someone's Facebook status, and it just really stuck with me today.

“We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.”

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

30 Day Challenge...Day 25.

Day 25-discuss something that is on your mind.

Well, here it goes.  Ahh Tuesday. 

Who does the finances in your home?  I do not.  And both of us are totally ok with this.  Jason does an outstanding job with the check book, savings, and loan payments. 

I have recently started paying on the dreaded college loans...and have been for a few months now.  Whatev.  It's life right...well not when you get a late notice on your Sallie Mae bill.  Jason and I were so puzzled when we saw this.  WTH?  He sends our payments in every single month way before they are due.  After a few phone calls, we found out that we have been sending the payments to the wrong address.  Figures.  So, moral of the story...if a company is to cheap to send an envelope or insert that says the address...make sure you are sending it to the correct place.  Otherwise, well, you get screwed out of $6.06 in a stupid late fee. 

We learned our lesson.  Sort of.

I also just want to throw out their that although I love the fact that it is still light out until 7pm now...I will never ever like the Spring forward time change.  Things like that take me a long time to adjust to! : )

Arizona and Hawaii don't participate in DST...I want to be there. Now. Either place will suffice.

Also, another tidbit of advice I came across recently.  If you are in an elevator and push your number, then hold down the 'close doors' won't stop for anyone!  It will just go right to your floor!  Tried it this past weekend, and it works!  Ok, no more random facts for today! 

Day 25 quote-Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness is its poison.
  -Lord Chesterfield

Monday, March 14, 2011

30 Day Challenge....Day 24.

Day 24-tell about a few things you have learned since last year.

1.  You choose your own happinesses...

2.  Patience is everything. 

3.  Somewhere someone will not be agreeing with you, but being different is what makes you unique.

4.  Hobbies are good for the soul!

5.  Asking for something is the first step.

6.  Surrounding yourself with positive people makes your life less stressful.

7.  Having less money and being happy is better than having money and working like a dog.  Especially when you have to work on a Sunday.

Wow...last year was definitley a learning year for me! : ) 

Day 24 quote- If the shoe fits-buy them in every color!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

30 Day Challenge...Day 23.

Day 23-what is something you are looking forward to?

Let's see if you can guess...


Day 23-a quote from a Disney movie.

Finding Nemo! :-)
In addition:  What are you giving up for lent? 

I am planning on giving up using the internet on the weekends.  I find myself randomly surfing the net when I could be doing so many other things with my days off! we go!

Friday, March 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge...Day 22.

Day 22-what is a phobia you have.

Most recently, within the last year, I have become more aware of germs.  Where they are, what they are doing, what nasty virus is lingering on the next surface I have to utilize....the list goes on and on! 

I credit my part of my phobia to my brother-in-law Adam.  Adam is stundying Pre-Med at Waldorf college and routinely tells us of some of the test he does on surfaces in some of his classes.  If I remember correctly, he tested the top of a hand sanitizer pump....and it was home to an outrageously large amount of germs. 


I also credit a very vicious cold I came down with after getting back from New York City.  Now don't get me wrong, I LOVED NYC, but I am really blaming the subway system (the bars, handles, and handrails) for my disturbingly awful cold that has seriously made me compare all other colds since then to it. 
It. Was. Awful.  

So, what do I do to protect myself from those nasty little germs that can reak havoc on someones body?  Wash my hands a lot.
Avoid directly touching handles, doors, and faucets. 
Use some hand sanitizer, not a crap ton.
And that's about it...

Don't worry, I'm not someone that is absolutely obsessed with cleaning and sanitizing stuff...just more aware as I like to say. 

Day 22-a quote that reminds you of someone.

Why worry when you can pray?
My mother has this quote in her kitchen...I think of it often when my mind won't stop turning and I need some guidance.  It has helped me in more ways than I can name. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

30 Day Challenge...Day 21.

Day 21-Talk about where you went to high school.

Ahhh...high school.  I graduated from Nashua-Plainfield High School in 2006...yep haven't even had our 5 year reunion yet!  I enjoyed cheering for the Huskies and made lots of memories.  School came pretty easy for me.  I have always loved to learn...everything except math/algebra/statistics!  ha! 

I'll never forget camping out at Boat Park and burning all of our school notebooks on the last day!  I will also never forget when my brother, Kevin, took a goat to the school and let it run the halls!! He was lucky to have graduated after that little prank!  <--- Hmm...both of those things don't really exemplify our school as good as it really was.  Trust me....we learned stuff too!!

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would end up back here in Nashua.  But here I am!  I also never thought I would be coaching cheerleading either!  But here I am again...and next year, I am going to be head coach!  Yikes!  Yep, the current head coach is resigning after this year...she was my coach my senior year and has put in some great years.  It will be very hard to fill her shoes...but I am up for the challenge.  Here's to new beginnings!

I am actually really excited to have my future children (sorry none anytime soon!) attend school at N-P.  I grew up in a community where everyone knew each other...and have found that sometimes that is a good thing, other times not so much...but for the most's all good! : )  Life is good!

Day 21 quote-a quote you would want inscribed on your wedding ring.

Forever, For Always, No Matter What.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Day Challenge....Day 20.

Day 20-a picture of you and someone you haven't talked to in a while.

Meet Samantha.
We always have fun when we are together.

Day 20 quote-a quote you would write on your wall.

I have actually looked into getting this wall sums up life. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

State Duals 2011

Nashua-Plainfield Husky wrestlers have a new trophy to add to the case!! They came home with 3rd place at State Duals! Here are some shots I took...GO HUSKIES!

My three little brothers!

Scott was a volunteer coach for part of the season...

30 Day Challenge....Day 19.

Day 19-a picture of your best friend.

I always worry that his eyes will stay that way...

Day 19 quote-a quote from a headstrong female.
Is Oprah "headstrong?"  For this she is...