Monday, October 18, 2010

What a weekend!

Happenings from over the weekend....

Friday Night Football--My youngest brother, Jacob (a freshman), called me on Thursday evening and told me he was going to dress Varsity for the football game on Friday!  I was super excited for him!  He was one of 4 freshman chosen dress!  He is number 35, and Andy (a junior) is number 30.  
It was a GORGEOUS night!

Little Jacob is #35

Here they are as close as I could catch them together...

My aunt Donna, my grandma Zeien, and my mom!  Aunt Donna came up from Des Moines and brought grandma to the game! 

Greta performed a dance she learned at the little cheer clinic that the cheerleaders held.  She did great!

Saturday--Nashua-Plainfield Cheerleading Invitational --This year I was a part of putting together the N-P cheerleading invite.  We had 2 teams plus us show routines.  Cedar Falls Competition Sqaud and Union High School's Comp squad.  It was some high caliber cheerleading!!
N-P Comp Squad

Union HS

Awesome basket!

Cedar Falls

Sunday--Four Wheeling &
Grandpa and Grandma's Anniversary --On Sunday, I went to church with my family, while Jason went trout fishing in Decorah with his dad.  I then went over to my parents' farm to take pictures of my brother and our cousin Zach take their four wheelers off some jumps they made.  Some of them turned out really good!

Grams and Gramps... :)

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