Tuesday, March 15, 2011

30 Day Challenge...Day 25.

Day 25-discuss something that is on your mind.

Well, here it goes.  Ahh Tuesday. 

Who does the finances in your home?  I do not.  And both of us are totally ok with this.  Jason does an outstanding job with the check book, savings, and loan payments. 

I have recently started paying on the dreaded college loans...and have been for a few months now.  Whatev.  It's life right...well not when you get a late notice on your Sallie Mae bill.  Jason and I were so puzzled when we saw this.  WTH?  He sends our payments in every single month way before they are due.  After a few phone calls, we found out that we have been sending the payments to the wrong address.  Figures.  So, moral of the story...if a company is to cheap to send an envelope or insert that says the address...make sure you are sending it to the correct place.  Otherwise, well, you get screwed out of $6.06 in a stupid late fee. 

We learned our lesson.  Sort of.

I also just want to throw out their that although I love the fact that it is still light out until 7pm now...I will never ever like the Spring forward time change.  Things like that take me a long time to adjust to! : )

Arizona and Hawaii don't participate in DST...I want to be there. Now. Either place will suffice.

Also, another tidbit of advice I came across recently.  If you are in an elevator and push your number, then hold down the 'close doors' symbol...it won't stop for anyone!  It will just go right to your floor!  Tried it this past weekend, and it works!  Ok, no more random facts for today! 

Day 25 quote-Good humor is the health of the soul, sadness is its poison.
  -Lord Chesterfield

1 comment:

  1. A little tip regarding making payments on bills- pay them online! You can do this for almost everything these days. They post much quicker, you go through fewer checks [and therefore save money], and they always go to the right spot. No worries about it getting lost in the mail or going to the wrong department. :)


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