Friday, April 22, 2011

I like nice people.

Nice people seriously make me smile.

Take today for instance...

I had a tanning appointment today and after I left and got into my car, I realized I still was holding the towel that I was supposed to leave in the laundry basket. 

So I hop out and run back in to throw the towel in the basket....I get out to my car, and it's locked.  My keys are visible in my purse...I.Am.SO.Annoyed. I NEVER lock my keys in my car...ever.  This is the second time I have done this in 5 years.  My bug is tempermental.  It loves me some days...other days I think it is out to get me.  Today was the second one. 

So I saunter back into the shop, and explain my situation to the lovely lady working.  She quickly offers to let me use her shop phone, and even tells me the number for the local body shop.  I was very grateful. 

I waited and chatted with her for awhile...she was SO nice and offered to give me a ride if I had to go anywhere...TWICE!  She was so sweet! 

After waiting for a little while, the body shop guy pulls up and has his car-getting-unlocked-stuff ready.  He unlocks my car within minutes, and without missing a beat I ask what I owe and I will write him a check. 

And you know what he says...

Don't worry about it. 

I said, 'No no no I WILL pay you'!  And all he says was 'have a great day'! He jumps in his truck and off he goes.

Sometimes when things go wrong, they have a way of lifting your mood.  Not always, but sometimes.  And these two little acts of kindness today made me appreciate kind, nice, and sweet people even more!

So thanks to the both of know who you are!  You made my day! 

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