Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I have an obsession...

This year I have started reading again, that is free reading.  After reading textbook after textbook for the last 4 years, I have lost all time to read a book I actually WANTED to read.  So, I splurged one day and bought all of the Harry Potter book series off of Half.com.  This may seem a little crazy, but in the store you would pay a BOATLOAD for one single book.  I payed maybe forty five dollars for all 7 books, and I just looked at the book I am currently reading and a store wanted $34.95!  What the heck?!  No thank you! 

So...I am currently on my last Harry Potter book, and had an itch to continue my series quest, so I broke down and just bought all of the Twilight Saga Series.  Yes, I am going to read them...but only because they are a series...and they only cost me $30.84 all hardcover. 

Can't beat that!  Bring on the vanpires!!

I also bought all of the Harry Potter movies...they weren't very expensive either!  Pretty cool stuff if I do say so myself....hmmm maybe Twilight movies next?? 

Hobbies make me have something to look forward to, and reading is one of my most favorite things to do when I have time...so I try to make as much time as I can to read.

Check out Half.com if you are looking for cheap books and movies, I think you will be suprised at what they have to offer!!

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Please leave a comment! I read each and every one of them! :) Thanks so much!