Monday, January 17, 2011

Put your thinking caps on...

What do you want more of in your life?
What do you want less of in your life?
-More: I want more time with my husband and my family.  I want to spend a lot more time baking and cooking.  I want to make as many memories as I can and document them here, on this blog, so I can always look back and recall the good times I have experienced. 
-Less:  I want less worrying...not that I worry a ton, but I just want a little less.  I want to use less time on Facebook and emailing.  I want to have less doubt. 

How would you spend your ideal day?
-Easy, with my husband on the beaches of Mexico, drink in my hand and not a care in the world. 

What's something most people don't know about you?
-I'm adopted.  I have met both my birthmother and birthfather.  I don't mind talking about it at all.  I wouldn't want anything to change how my life has turned out.  I am blessed.

What's the best decison you ever made? (I have a few for this one)
-Falling in love with Jason. 
-Going to NIACC for school.
-Choosing to live in a small town.
-Deciding I would rather be happy and have less money, then have more money and be miserable. 

If you had to move 3000 miles away, what would you miss the most?
-I would HURT for my family.  It makes me sad just thinking about it. 

How would you describe the past year of you life in one sentence?
-I have found more joy in life, made more memories, and truly found my happiness. 

What are your favorite simple pleasures?
-Finding money you didn't know was there.
-Freshly fallen snow.  Untouched.
-Making someone smile.
-Doing something you thought you couldn't do.
-Seeing someone you haven't seen after a long time.
-French manicures.
-Cut grass.
-Date nights.
-Clean linens.

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