Monday, April 18, 2011


Good afternoon! 

How did you all like that snow we got on Saturday!?  I took pictures of it, but do not have my camera on me at the least it melted right away! 

Whew...we had a very busy weekend!  Jason and I, along with his parents and brother traveled down to the SouthWestern area of Iowa to see his grandma!  It takes about 4 hours to get there and I have found that by watching a movie on a laptop or portable DVD player makes the time fly by!  I DO NOT do good with long car rides...I have ZERO patience...don't you ever wish you could just snap your fingers and be there?? But, that's the way it goes!

Movies I watched this trip:

Great. Movie.
Nearly had me crying in some places from sadness and hilariousness! <--Not sure if that's a word?
I really liked it a lot.

Next up....

Two words....RENT NOW! 
I seriously was cracking up in the backseat on the way home while watching this one!!  Anything with Steve Carell, in my book, will probably make me laugh. 

The normal 4 hour drive was actually 5 hours back since we went a little farther on Sunday to Omaha to see a relative who was in the hospital there.  Then we also made a pit stop at my future sis-in-law's parents' home to pick up a few bridesmaid dresses for Bridget's wedding that they had picked up for us in DSM.  Shout out to the Kelly's! :)

  Long long looooong drive home...we rolled into our driveway at midnight-Jason had to be up at 5:30am. to be him!!

My last night for Religion Classes for the year is Wednesday this week.  It was a fun teaching this year, but being head coach for cheerleding next year is going to take a lot more energy, so I probably won't be teaching next year. 

Have a fantastic Monday everyone! :)

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